
i Re-Sise 2022 – 2022 Regions, cities, and institutions in the two regions are concerned with developing activities that are sustainable and attractive. Based on the partnershipUddannelsesalliancen Guldborgsund with Roskilde University, Professionshøjskolen...

HAVE – Hybrid Classrooms in Adult and VET Education

i Hybrid Classrooms in Adult and VET Education 2022 – 2025 The COVID-19 lockdown has emphasized the requirement of offering citizens with feweropportunities other pedagogical training methods than those already established. In the period of online teaching, some...

SIATE – Social Inclusion of Adults Through Entrepreneurship

i Social Inclusion of Adults Through Entrepreneurship 2020 – 2023 Social Inclusion of Adults Through Entrepreneurship (SIATE) aims to establish the European Network for Entrepreneurship in Adult Education (ENTNET) which will focus on using adult entrepreneurship...

Erasmus+ Akkreditering

i Erasmus + Akkreditering Formålene i akkrediteringen er som beskrevet i Erasmusplanen nedenfor. Herudover har vi valgt også at benytte os af den nye mulighed for at søge kursistmobiliteter. Dette har vi valgt blandt andet for at kunne give kursisterne en unik...