Digi4Adults – Adults Acquiring Digital Skills

i Adults Acquiring Digital Skills 2015 – 2017 The need for enhancing digital competence is noted e.g. in the European Commision’s Open Up Education Initiative (2013) which points out that 70% of teachers wish to get more training in developing their ICT-skills...

GBT – Games for basic skills teaching

i Games for basic skills teaching 2018 – 2021 The GBT project emerged at a significant time of change and challenge in European educational systems. The importance of games in supporting learning has been recognized but needs to be more integrated into learning...

STEAM – Serious game to train experts in advanced multimodality

i Serious game to train experts in advanced multimodality 2016 – 2019 Although the concept has been described for long, multimodality is not systematically used in education and training and some teachers still limit the number of pedagogic approaches they use...