Inklusion af frafaldstruede elever

i Inklusion af frafaldstruede elever 2020 – 2022 Der vil i fremtiden være mangel på kvalificeret arbejdskraft med en erhvervsfaglig uddannelse – samtidig oplever vi, at unge søger ind på grundforløbene på erhvervsuddannelserne med de fornødne fagligt boglige...

GRECOL – Getting Ready for European Citizenship On-Line

i Getting Ready for European Citizenship On-Line 2014 – 2017 The partnership has designed and developed an online course called “Getting Ready for European Citizenship On-Line” (GRECOL) which is inspired by a previous Grundtvig partnership project called...

ViSE – Video Systems in Education

i Video Systems in Education 2015 – 2018 In the ViSE project we focused on systematic use of video learning, which is very much about teaching methods and didactics, but also includes the technological aspects. The concept of video learning includes: 1:...

WORKGUIDANCE – Career Guidance in a Changing Labour Market

i Career Guidance in a Changing Labour Market 2018 – 2022 The European labour market is in a constant change, and consequently many employees face the situation in their workplace where they suddenly don’t have the requested necessary competence to continue in...

GATE:VET – using GAmification in TEaching at VET schools

i using GAmification in TEaching at VET schools 2019 – 2021 The use of games in education is not a new phenomenon. There is a long tradition in teaching research in this field. The advancing digitalisation considerably simplifies the use of so-called...