
Learning designs for life long learning

2020 – 2022

The development of learning designs that addresses the need for lifelong learning for adults will have a foundation in a consortium that consists of VUC Klar, Nordvestsjællands HF og VUC and VUC Storstrøm.

The three partners have a formal agreement of collaboration in VUC Erhverv Sjælland and they wish to strengthen the organizational relationship with this project, which focusses on developing the best possible learning designs for lifelong learning for adults.

The region that the three partners cover is facing a great need for upgrading the competences of its workforce and the delivery of this is increasingly needing to be streamlined, flexible in accessibility and regardless of geographical constraints. It also needs a focus on the international perspectives as the region are having several larger construction sites in the coming years that need foreign employees.

This means that our teachers need to be at the forefront of developing learning designs that addresses these needs and they thus need constant competence development that this project will help achieve. One might say that the project addresses the teachers‛ need for lifelong learning to be able to deliver the best education possible for our students.




Project manager

Maria Storm-Holm


The project aims to:

  1. Enlighten teachers about the possibilities, tendencies and best case examples of supplementary training and lifelong learning designs.


  2. Strengthen the organizational relationship between VUC Klar, Nordvestsjællands HF og VUC and VUC Storstrøm.


Project details


Project Period: 31-12-2020 – 30-12-2022


Programme: Erasmus+


Project Reference: 2020-1-DK01-KA104-074788


Project Short Name: LeFoLi


Project Grant: 39.250,00 EUR


Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals


Action Type: Adult education staff mobility


Project partners


VUC Storstrøm (DK) | Coordinator


Do you think VUC Storstrøm would fit into your project idea? Or maybe you would like to visit our team in the Project and Development Department or the Nordic Center for Digital Adult Learning? Send us an e-mail and we’ll talk about it!