Digitalized Learning Path for Educational Organizations
2018 – 2021

The Digitalized Learning Path for Educational Organizations (Learning Path) project was based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). The framework was used as a transnational reference providing a common framework, which was helpful for the cooperation, as project partners were able to compare and assess each other’s results. The project focused on 3 development paths for enhancing digital skills and competences in educational organizations. All paths contain concrete results, which are available on the project website
The Organizational Learning Path focused on organizational strategies, “road maps”, and each project partner developed their own organizational road map. Partners tested various CPD activities and based on the experiments created/updated their strategies. The DigCompEdu framework helped focus on relevant competence areas, instead of specific digital tools/programs. This was crucial, as digital tools and programs change sometimes quite fast, whereas the competence areas are more constant. Another important aspect was the involvement and commitment of top management. This ensured that the development work was integrated into the core operations of the organizations already during the project and would continue also after the project.
The Personal Learning Path for teachers/trainers is developed on top of organisational requirements and starts from individual competence assessment. Based on self-assessment and current proficiency level, the teachers designed their personal paths with individual objectives and suitable CPD activities. Experiments of various CPD activities included in-house-trainings, online trainings, mentoring, facilitated workshops etc. and they utilized service design approach, in which the end-users were involved in the development of their own CPD activities. Based on these experiments each organization developed their training scheme for digital competence development.
Proceeding with small steps, sharing experiences and developing together were essential factors in succeeding and creating motivation to go further. Validation of developed competences can be difficult in informal education and here the experimentation with Open Badges proved rather interesting. Open Badges (micro-credentials) can be rewarded for acquiring certain competences and the validation can be a motivational factor for pursuing the next goals.
The third development path focused on stakeholders. The project platform,, was established already at the beginning of the project to continuously engage interested parties and share development steps and results in real time. The platform is an open online resource and will remain so also after the project. Final models and best practices are described on the website, as well as e.g. blog postings on development steps and activities taken. The best practice models can be used as such in other educational organizations, but can also be adapted and implemented in any type of organization. Therefore the dissemination activities also focused on workplace instructors, cooperative companies and HR-reps of business organizations.

Project manager
Pernille Skov Sørensen
Follow the progress and get info on conferences on the website.
The project aims to:
- Develop organizational road maps focused on enhancing the organization’s digital capacity and defining focus areas and competence levels for teachers’ digital competence development and CPD activities.
- Develop a model for individual competence development based on existing skills/competences and designing the path onwards according to individual needs and interests.
- Develop training schemes for digital competence development.
- Create an open online resource platform for models and best practices.
Project details
Project Period: 01-09-2018 – 28-02-2021
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2018-1-FI01-KA202-047312
Project Short Name: Learning Path
Project Grant: 216.600,00 EUR
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training
Project partners
Tampereen Aikuiskoulutussäätiö sr (FI) | Coordinator
VUC Storstrøm (DK)
Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien (AT)
Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (PT)
Oberstufenzentrum Informations- und Medizintechnik (DE)
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